Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Question week 2

Reflect on something from chapter 2:

"Come play with me," says the teacher. "Come do what I ask you to do." "I can't," says the student, "at least not until you connect with me. "
I expeirenced a situation that fits this quote perfectly. In the preschool I work at, I had a student who would not participate, or be willing to do the things asked. She didn't have behavior problems she just didn't speak the language and also needed to feel loved and trusted before she could take a risk in learning. I spent much time with her and soon created a trusting relationship with her. It was at that point that her learning took off. She was able to catch up and do all the things the other students could do and she was happy and participated much more. She needed to feel the connection with her teacher before she could feel safe enough to take risks and to learn. It was a great learning expierence for me in how much we can fix by creating a caring and trustworthy relationship with our students.

1 comment:

  1. You really took the time for taming and saw the rewards!
